
A New Visual Arts Initiative in the Wadden Area

[Work in progress]

Hi-Lo logo on a blue field
Hi-Lo logo on a blue field
Poster Baken Schermonnikoog Hi-Lo
The Zuidertoren on Schiermonnikoog will be transformed into a canvas every evening in 2022/2023. A program of light projections illuminate the tower daily for a limited time.
Hi-Lo Schiermonnikoog Instagram posts
Some Instagram posts
Poster Baken Marrum/Terschelling
Transmission takes you through a mysterious underground network; a flickering web of speakers, cables, relays, vibrating motors, air con tubes, brake lines and fluid pumps. You lie in a car seat, while a sizzling composition of light, liquids and sound unfolds around you. What does this world sound like? How does it move? What does it teach us?
Poster Beacon Afsluitdijk Hi-Lo 2023
Six listening works are made by inspiring artists that can only be listened to via a GPS-controlled app when driving over the dike: working with the 'duration' of the Afsluitdijk.
Poster. Beeld: Peter Boorsma
The fourth Hi-Lo beacon on the isle of Vlieland. My interpretation of the works of Heleen Blanken. Artist Heleen Blanken has been researching the distinction between the human and the natural environment for some time now. On Vlieland she is realizing a new variant of her series of 'chapels'. An architectural space in the landscape, in which every form and color of nature is given a new character.